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Next Training Starts June 29, 2021
Virtual Learning – 6 Modules, 1 – 2 hours per week over 4 Weeks
As a CircleTalk™ Leader, you will become trained to implement the CircleTalk™ Curriculum, which is available as an ebook or printed book, your preference. Participant questions, practice activities, demonstrations, and coaching are experienced through live, scheduled video calls.
Social isolation has been associated with a 50% increase in dementia and 26% increase in mortality. As we age, connection, belonging, and relationships still matter. As a CircleTalk™ Leader, you can help reverse the social isolation and loneliness that contribute to declining health and make a measurable difference in the well-being and longevity of people’s lives.
Join us for a 4-Week Virtual Training starting June 29, 2021. Live virtual training includes course materials for immediate launch of your senior circles. The cost is $495/person.
Group discounts and scholarships available.
Go to CircleTalk.org website to register and for more information.
View our flyer – CLICK HERE
Website: https://www.circletalk.org/