Our April 14th meeting was the first meeting of 2021 featuring a panel of four of our members. This is a new format we are trying for 2021 to put the spotlight on our members. We hope you like the new format.
Meeting Agenda and our Panelists – CLICK HERE
Topic and Presentation – The Big Picture of Pre-Planning – Understanding hospice to advance directives to pre-planning to funeral services
About this presentation: This meeting is the first of a new direction for the Denver Senior Coalitions where we will be featuring our members in our presentations. We will have four members presenting for 10 minutes each on the “Big Picture of Pre-Planning.” Plan to attend and learn more about upcoming panels from our members and the important topic of pre-planning.
“Hospice and End of Life Decisions”
Presenter: The Denver Hospice – Melissa Davis – 720-318-7448
Email: mdavis@care4denver.org
Website: www.care4denver.org
“End of Life Planning: Making Informed Funeral Choices”
Presenter: The Funeral Consumer Society of Colorado – Larry Clarke – 303-521-7188
Email: larryc5213@comcast.net
Website: www.FuneralConsumerColorado.org
“Creating an Advance Directive that Works”
Presenter: Out of the Box End of Life – Susan Mackey – 720-884-6878
Email: OutoftheBoxEndofLifePlanning@gmail.com
Website: www.OutoftheBoxEndofLifePlanning.com
“Why Pre-Planning Makes a Difference in End of Life”
Presenter: Newcomer Cremations, Funerals & Receptions Tamie Gonzalez – 303-274-6065
Email: tgonzalez@newcomerfamily.com
Website: www.newcomerfamily.com